
MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center

MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center logoThe MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center provides custom designed training and technical assistance to support, motivate, and educate physicians, nurses, physician assistants, dental professionals, pharmacists, advanced practice nurses, and members of the clinical team to provide quality HIV care.

Learn more about the MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center.

HIV Prevention and Care Project

The mission of the HIV Prevention and Care Project (HPCP) is to contribute to decreasing HIV infection and morbidity and mortality associated with HIV and AIDS through scientifically based interventions.

Learn more about the HIV Prevention and Care Project.

Pitt Men’s Study

Pitt Men's Study logo The Pitt Men's Study is a confidential HIV/AIDS research project that has been ongoing in Pittsburgh for over 30 years.

Learn more about the Pitt Men's Study.

Telehealth AETC Appalachian Project

The aim of the Telehealth AETC Appalachian Project (TAAP) is to increase HIV clinical capacity to rural Appalachian community health centers through distance based clinical consultation, education, and technical assistance.

Learn more about the Telehealth AETC Appalachian Project.

Project Silk

Project Silk is a practice-centered pilot project targeting young adult African American MSM and transgender people aged 13-29. A partnership between the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the University of Pittsburgh.

Learn more about Project Silk.

Other Centers and Institutes at Pitt Public Health