Woman looking into microscope
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The Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (IDM) is committed to training the next generation of scientists and public health professionals to enhance the control of infectious diseases in the human population.


person spraying bug spray on their arm.

How to protect against West Nile Virus this summer

The last reported human case of West Nile Virus occurred in September 2023, however, Dr. Ernesto Marques, an associate professor in the department of infectious disease and microbiology, cautions that West Nile cases are likely underreported.

Cows. Photo Credit: USA Today

In pandemic's shadow, risk of animal to human disease spread still high

"The general understanding is that the more frequent such interactions are, the (more the) risk of disease transmission heightens," said Suresh Kuchipudi, chair of infectious diseases and microbiology.

Photo credit: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Record-breaking rise in deadly infections in Japan renews focus on the mysteries of strep

“When a patient comes in with group A strep in the blood, unless they have a wound, you often don’t know how it got into the body,” said Lee Harrison, professor of epidemiology and infectious diseases and microbiology.